Welcome to the D20 Homebrewery

Welcome. This blog is designed to help DMs create a better D20 SRD 3.5 based gaming experience by facilitating the sharing of house rules and ideas. 

If you have an idea for a feat, rule, class, prestige class, skill trick, spell, or any other aspect of the game, then please feel free to post it here in a comment on the weekly post titled "New Rule Ideas". I also encourage people to give a rating of 1-5 on each rule, and will eventually create a list of the top rated rules. 

Please refrain from discussing existing rules unless they relate to a rule you would like to create.

Thanks, and Game On!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New Rule Ideas

Anyone got any ideas?

Proposed Feat: Skill Training

Ever had a character who needed a skill but couldn't take it because it was a "cross-class" skill? Well, D&D 3.5 is all about flexibility, so I propose a feat:

Skill Training
Prerequisites: None
One skill from the class skill list can be replaced by a skill that is not on the class skill list.

Now you can have a rogue who liked camping as a kid..

What do you think?

D20 Home Brewery

This is a place that I have created to share homebrew D20 3.5 SRD compatible rules and feats. I will post rules, the reasoning behind them, and then ask people to comment if they like them or not, and to rate them. Also, if you have homebrew rules/feats/classes/etc. of your own, then feel free to post them as well.
